Our services | Bilingual, free, and confidential
We offer our services to residential and nonresidential survivors, handling each interaction on a case-by-case basis. Our team recognizes that each survivor and situation is unique!
Together We Provide
Emergency shelter, food, and clothing: Our 27-bed facility can house women and children seeking a safe place. Our shelter is in a confidential location in Floyd County.
24-hour Crisis Intervention: Crisis Line 706-235-4673(HOPE)
In-Shelter Parenting Support Group: HH offers survivors the tools and the skills to support positive parenting.
Financial Support: For those actively fleeing domestic violence situations, we can provide financial assistance and support
Legal Advocacy: Our trained legal advocate can provide information and assistance in filing Temporary Protective Orders (TPO) and can offer accompaniment to court hearings.
Domestic Violence Support Group: Our support groups empower individuals to make a plan of safety and to recognize signs and patterns of unhealthy relationships.
Individual and in Shelter Group Counseling: HH maintains partnerships with licensed and trained professional counselors/therapists.
In-Shelter Children's Experiential Support Group: Our advocates engage children in activities and outings that provide an outlet for them to express internal emotions and exercise their imagination.
Community Education and Outreach: It is essential that our community is aware of the dangers, prevalence and painful effects of domestic violence. HH has an Outreach Coordinator that is happy to provide domestic violence education to the community.
NOTE: We incorporate all necessary partnerships to offer quality services to those who do not claim English as a first language.
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